I have what is now referred to as “mature skin”. What this means is that I am no longer free to ignore it as I did in my 20’s and 30’s. Today I am a believer in the essential use of organics, be they ingested or applied to your skin. How many times do we look back at products used by our mothers or us as kids or young women and wonder what happened to so many of them? When was the last time you read the label on your favorite beauty product and even understood what was in it? MSN published a version of this post regarding toxic ingredients in beauty products. This article on blisstree.com is very similar and for those attempting to maintain their beauty an essential read. http://www.blisstree.com/2012/02/13/beauty-shopping/toxic-ingredients-in-beauty-products-505/ If that isn’t enough to bother you then please read on: http://living.msn.com/style-beauty/makeup-skin-care-hair-tips/formaldehyde-in-cosmetics-what%e2%80%99s-the-verdict I understand as a cook there are some ess...