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So You Long To Be Married. You Are Not Ready!

This blog is dedicated to all of you that have been struggling for a short time or a long time to grab the golden ring, or white gold even platinum if you will. But are you ready. Relationships are a lovely thing, hey love is a lovely thing, but by itself it means nothing. So here is how you know you are not ready.

You've never successfully lived on your own.

You want someone to take care of you.
  • You allow someone else to clean up after you.
  • Better yet cleaning isn't important or it's just a chore.
  • You don't even take care of the few thing you have.
You have no idea how to develop and maintain a budget.
  • You're always in debt, bills get paid late or not at all.
  • When you do spend money it's on stuff you gotta have, like clothes instead of food, even though you have a crap load of clothes, which you leave laying around in piles.
  • And when you buy food, really you're already a slob now you're going to put that crap in your body.
  • You think it's OK to spend that kind of money on cigarettes and booze.
Your idea of doing the laundry is to forget that you even started it.
You keep saying you'll fix all the things you're not good at after you find Mr/MS right.
You float from job to job, no real goal in sight.
You spend all of your down time looking for Mr/Ms right, on the Internet at a bar..hey I got my radar up right now, I'm ready.
And the stress you may or may not acknowledge from your "you're really not ready ways" has created health problems.
And you're only happy when you are in love.

Here is an idea. Work on you, you know all your slovenly, in debt. no money, unhealthy habits, no goals, only happy when you're in love ways. Because you are not ready to drag some poor sap, who may or may not be just as bad as you, into your life. Not for a day and surely not for a lifetime.


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